Yaqub containing arab nationalism pdf

Ray takeyh, the origins of the eisenhower doctrine. Yaqub specializes in the history of american foreign relations, 20thcentury american political history, and modern middle eastern history since 1945. Eisenhower, nasser, and the battle for the arab world. Angloamerican relations with arab nationalism new york.

Salim yaqub is the author of the united states and the middle east 4. Coming just a decade after the 1947 truman doctrine, the eisenhower doctrine was the second cold war presidential doctrine keyed to the middle east. The main theme explored here deals with the increased level of u. Happily, salim yaqubs book does not fall into that category. Yaqub, salim, containing arab nationalism chapel hill. Salim yaqub offers an account of this attempted cooptation and provides an analysis of the series of crises that ensued in. Eisenhower reminded the legislators, russias rulers have long sought to dominate the middle east. Salim yaqub author and narrator 2003 containing arab nationalism the new cold war history series salim yaqub author 2005 imperfect strangers the united states in the world series salim yaqub author 2016 creators. Containing arab nationalism the new cold war history. T he first challenges r oosevelt faced in the m idle e ast occurred in iraq and egypt, where the british sought to remove governments hostile to their interests. The eisenhower doctrine and the middle east chapel hill. In its dying days, the ottoman empire attempted to use religion to prolong its life but nascent arab nationalism helped speed up the inevitable with consequences we are living with still.

In his january 1957 message to congress proposing what became known as the eisenhower doctrine, dwight d. As such, arab nationalism continued to play a prominent role in middle eastern and global politics. The eisenhower doctrine and the middle east, chapel hill. Most isms ultimately lead to war, and arab nationalism is no exception. The case for linguistic reforms 142 4 zaki alarsuzi. Despite decolonisation, european imperialism was maintained through sympathetic conservative monarchs and the construction of an informal empire. The americans disagreed over the proper course of action when the british overthrew the government of rashid ali in the spring of 1941 and restored the probritish faction. Jimmy carter, the state of the union address delivered before a joint session of the congress, speech, january 23, 1980, the american presidency project. Under the eisenhower doctrine, the united states pledged to give increased economic and military aid to receptive middle eastern countries and to protectwi. Some clues in the unredacted text, such as a reference on page xiv to an organization aimed at educated arab muslims, suggest that chapter 4 of this work, entitled a hidden policy, is devoted to the american friends of the middle east. For the most recent example of this type of literature, see the eisenhower administration, the third world, and the globalization of the cold war, eds. Salim yaqub demonstrates that although the united states officially salim yaqub demonstrates that although the united states officially aimed to protect the middle east from soviet encroachment, the eisenhower doctrine had the unspoken mission of containing the radical arab nationalism of egyptian president gamal abdel nasser, whom eisenhower. The eisenhower doctrine and the middle east chapel hill, nc, 2004.

The eisenhower doctrine in its american and middle eastern. The cia and the cult of covert action in the middle east, diplomatic history 28november 2004. Containing arab nationalism by salim yaqub overdrive. Middle east relations and containing arab nationalism. Salim yaqub, department of history, university of chicago. The genius of the arab nation inheres in its language 146 5 conclusion 158 6 the arabic language and territorial. Nigel ashton, eisenhower, macmillan, and the problem of nasser. In containing arab nationalism, yaqub comprehensively examines the eisenhower doctrine, which. Arab nationalism, in fact any nationalism, is vertical the aim is to unite all people of a particular national community. Citino agrees with yaqub that the inchoate arab lobby. Eisenhower and dulles debacle in indonesia new york. Arab nationalism was a movement striving for arab political unity in the middle east. Sovereignty, nationalism, and regional order in the arab. Salim yaqub author of the united states and the middle east.

Arab nationalism in the twentieth century book description. The origins of arab nationalism contains the most recent revisionist scholarship on the rise of arab nationalsim that began with the fall of the ottoman empire. The eisenhower doctrine and the middle east is well placed in a series entitled the new cold war history, as the book exemplifies new trends in the study of diplomatic history. This time the soviet threat was seen as reaching into the heart of the arab world, but the more immediate strategic goal in the wake of the suez crisis was lining up arab states against egyptian president gamal abdel alnasser and his brand of. The eisenhower doctrine and the middle east university of north carolina, 2004 and of. For the middle east, see citino, nathan, from arab nationalism to opec. Sovereignty, nationalism, and regional order in the arab states system michael n. Salim yaqub offers an account of this attempted cooptation and provides an analysis of the series of crises that ensued in jordan, syria, iraq, and lebanon in. Salim yaqub is professor of history at the university of california, santa barbara, and director of ucsbs center for cold war studies and international history.

Containing arab nationalism the new cold war history salim yaqub on. Salim yaqub, containing arab nationalism, the eisenhower doctrine and the middle east, 2003. The eisenhower doctrine and the middle east university of north carolina, 2004 and of several articles and book chapters on the. In containing arab nationalism, salim yaqub provides a remarkably indepth look at u. Arabs comprise less than onequarter of the worlds 1. While not a major component of the book, yaqub takes notice of the growing importance of cultural issues among.

Arabiya is a nationalist ideology that asserts the arabs are a nation and promotes the unity of arab people, celebrating the glories of arab civilization, the language and literature of the arabs, calling for rejuvenation and political union in the arab world. Containing arab nationalism salim yaqub university of. There was undoubtedly a huge increase in an arab sense of nationalism between the years 1948 and 1973. Modern arab nationalism originally developed as a backlash to the colonialisation of the middle east by western powers such as britain and france. Cold war as world histories situates all of these concerns in a global context that transcends the geographic boundaries of any particular nationstate or the details of any particular set of events. How arab nationalism was born as the ottoman empire died. By consensus, arabness is arabic languages, arabic languages, members of the west semitic group of. In containing arab nationalism, yaqub comprehensively examines the eisenhower doctrine, which originated as a congressional resolution in 1957 declaring the u. Arab, a person who speaks arabic as a first language and selfidentifies as arab. Two new monographs explore this process from 1945 to 1961. The us, britain and nassers egypt, 195357, new york. Panarabism, also known as arab nationalism, panarabism is the ideology that calls for the political unity of arab peoples and states. Instead, potential new alliances with arab nationalist leaders in lebanon and syria as well. A spirited and instructive dialogue on the subject occurred on the pages of the international journal of middle east studies.

In july 1958 eisenhower privately remarked that nasser was a puppet of the soviets, even though he probably doesnt think so in yaqub, 2004. Barnett in the first address to the french parliament by a u. This doctrine most often manifested itself in attempts to coopt the arab states against the perceived threat to u. Ashton, eisenhower, macmillan and the problem of nasser. Ernest down, mahmoud haddad, reeva simon, and beth baron, provide an unusually broad survey of the arab world at the turn on the century, permitting a comparison of developments in a variety of. The eisenhower doctrine and the middle east the new cold war history, chapel hill, nc london. President since woodrow wilson, in june 1994 president bill clinton spoke of the growing challenge posed by nationalism to international order. In approaching the cold war, we will analyze the complex webs of causality that connect thoughts and actions in distant lands.

Hahns caught in the middle east presents a survey approach to americas role in the arabisraeli conflict, and salim yaqubs containing arab nationalism dissects the development and failure of the eisenhower doctrine. Foreign policy toward arab nationalism during the cold war. Arab nationalism defined itself against religious solidarity the idea was that an arab christian and an arab muslim had more in common than an arab. Communism defined itself as against a still evolving nationalism. The us, britain, and nassers egypt, 19531957 new york. Angloamerican relations and arab nationalism, 195559 london, 1996. Professor yaqub is the author of imperfect strangers. One major reason for this was the creation of the state of israel in 1948, which gave the arab powers something to unite against, because not a single arab. Arab nationalism, a modern creation of this century, may well disappear altogether under their impact. Containing arab nationalism salim yaqub university of north. Reflections on arab nationalism article pdf available in middle eastern studies 324. But whatever the prospects of arab nationalism, its history to this point represents one of the most remarkable instances of rapid birth, rise, and decline of any modern nationalism. Like a great dynasty that falls to ruin and is eventually remembered more for its faults than its feats, arab nationalism is remembered mostly for its humiliating rout in the 1967 six day war, for interarab divisions, and for words and actions distinguished by their meagerness.

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